Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dogs can read your moods based on your facial expression!

So I read an article on live science, and it talks about how dogs (yes adorable puppy dogs!) can tell if their owner is happy, sad, or mad based on their facial expression. How cool is that?! Researchers took a group of dogs, and while they were training them they showed them different pictures of humans with different facial expressions and by the end of the training period the dogs could tell what mood the human was in. After their training was over, the researchers showed them different pictures of humans and the dogs were still able to distinguish between the moods. I think that's pretty awesome. Dogs are wonderful animals and a full of so much compassion and love for their owner. Maybe that's why when their owner comes through the door upset they know that a cuddle buddy is just what they need.
I mean..How can you be sad when this adorable face is looking at you!!


  1. Totally true. I have two dogs and they were always by my side whenever I was upset. I just always felt so love whenever they would come over and put their heads on my lap and look up at my with these eyes that say I love you. Although, I think one of them just wanted attention most of the time.
    Love the picture of the cute puppy at the end by the way. :)

  2. Wow, I can definitely relate to this. I have a dog and whenever I am feeling sad, tired or upset, he would come over to myside and just sit there. Almost as if he was my friend awkwardly trying to cheer me up. I wasn't sure if I was just being a typical dog owner, or if my dog was actually trying to cheer me up, but now I know. ;)
    I loved this article and I am looking foward to your future posts!
