Thursday, February 26, 2015

Above is a video of the largest fish in our oceans, the Whale Shark. It has been confirmed that these sharks can reach up to 40,000 pounds and can grow to 40 feet long (sometimes even bigger!). This video explains what a whale shark is and I recommend watching the whole thing.

Whale Sharks are known to get caught up in fishermen's nets(shown to the right), just as a sea turtle can get a plastic bag caught around its neck. As a result of this, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission(IATTC) has provided fishermen with a resolution. Science Daily wrote an article, Biggest fish in the ocean receives international protection, for which they explain what the IATTC proposed and how the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) is helping. The IATTC proposed that fishermen must not have a purse seine net around any whale shark in the area. They must also make sure that if one happens to get caught in a net, it just must be freed and unharmed. Chris Fanning, who works for NOAA as fishery policy analyst, states that, "These are some of the most incredible animals in the ocean, and while U.S vessels don't engage in this practice, we are very supportive of this international resolution to help and protect these amazing creatures."

Whale sharks are one of my all time favorite animals. They are captivating creatures, and should be protected in any way possible. Unlike the shark from JAWS(1975), which was a great white shark, whale sharks are known to not attack humans because of how laid back they are. These are wonderful creatures, and they deserve as much attention as the rest of the animal kingdom.


  1. This is amazing! I had no idea that the whale shark was the largest fish in the oceans. Have you heard about the giant jellyfish that scientists keep finding? It was over 7 ft long! That's not nearly as big as the whale shark, but it is pretty crazy to think about all these massive creatures in the oceans that we haven't discovered yet.

  2. This is really interesting stuff. All sorts of animals get caught in nets that shouldn't and end up being seriously hurt because of it. Though I'm fairly sure that the Blue whale is larger as it is about 200 tons compared to 20 (though I could be mistaken, this is the internet after all) a large number of these animals need more protection from poachers or accidental damage.
