Friday, March 20, 2015

Wolves and Whales: Two different species, but similar motives.

Above is a video talking about how wolves have changed the environment overtime. They contribute a lot to the environment because even though they can take away many animals lives, they can also give life to various other species (plants or animals). This is one of the most interesting videos (along with the video of the Spirit Bear in my last post) that i have ever watched before. It's amazing what animals can do without even trying. 

This video is similar to the video of the wolves, but explains how whales change the ocean. People in Japan said that, before scientists discovered that whales help the ocean's ecosystem, it was good for people to to kill whales because it may increase the number of fish available for human consumption. However, finding out that whales are a vital part of the survival of the ocean's ecosystems, whale poaching has decreased rapidly. 

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